Saturday, October 25, 2008

Beauty Of California

Enjoy the Beautiful Wallpapers of nature from California. The state is said to be the home for all the Hollywood stars and from the images you can imagine why they would like to live in this area. It is so close to nautre, that there is no match to it.
All these wallpapers are 1280 X 1024 in Resolution, and I hope they fix your screen requirements. Go ahead and make your screen more natural and attractive. :)

Deep woods adrenaline!

Some folks have a list of things they want to do, places they want to go, experiences they want to, well, "experience". One of the items that has been on my list for some time now, is going "into the wild"... in search of exotic mushrooms. When a friend with subject knowledge and deep woods experience extended the invitation to do just this, I was in!

I know, there are some who would suggest that adrenaline and mushroom picking are an unlikely combination. Oh, I suppose it could be argued that hiking through a deep, damp, mossy, west coast forest in search of edible fungus might not compare in excitement to, say, BASE jumping. Now lest any reader roll their eyes in response to the suggestion that searching for mushrooms would bring "excitement", let me assure you, I know the nature of "excitement". I've paddled off Ucluelet and watched Joan's kayak disappear in the trough of a west coast swell, only to rise above mine as she rode the next crest. In a previous "life", I've strapped into the "back seat" of fast jets and watched the mach meter
indicate that the aircraft has left all sound in the
"wake" of its twin F404 turbofan engines. So mushroom picking...excitement and adrenaline? You bet!

The woods on either side of the logging road, on the way to Nitinat, were Frost-like - "lovely, dark and deep". After putting on rain gear followed by the mandatory compass check, we entered the forest and within minutes, the first find - a golden Chanterelle, truly a prize in the kitchens of chefs around the world! Our bags soon began to fill up with these wonderful wild treats. My own level of excitement and anticipation (of dinner) was already high and then my friend found and introduced a "Lobster" and then a "Hedgehog" and then some "Angel Wings" (all mushrooms!) - it just kept getting better! This day was working out really well, and then...a most unusual specimen caught my eye, growing out of an old growth stump - looking more like an "explosion" of wild pasta! It was as delicate and as clean as could be - as if just rinsed by a rain shower. Surely this was not a mushroom?! When the "eyes of experience" lit up and a broad smile prefaced his exclamation of joy, I knew we had found a treasure of the woods. It was a "Cauliflower" mushroom (Sparassis crispa for those in the know) - truly a "prize"! It's delicate taste and crispy texture was extraordinary, this was most assuredly the icing on the cake - and yes, now the adrenaline was really flowing!

On the two hour drive home, I reflected on the day's adventure...and its reminder of the amazing bounty that exists outside the supermarkets and corner stores. Food in the "raw", sustenance for those who find opportunity to discover and taste the wonder-filled source of what all too often finds itself in boxes and cans, prepared and processed...and a distant relative to what it was really meant to be. "Survivorman", Les Stroud, would have been very pleased!

'Till next time.

PS Important: Remember all wild mushrooms must be carefully identified before eating!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Delicious Chocolate Treats...Don't Miss

Chocolates like Cadbury's Dairy Milk, Hershey's, Lindt, Ghirardelli etc. These chocolate treats here leave them all behind!

The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztecs of Mexico, and is derived from the Nahuatl word xocolat which is a combination of the words, xocolli, meaning "bitter", and atl, which is "water". Chocolate was discovered by Mayans of the Yucatán Peninsula, in México about 2,600 years ago or so, as evidence found in ruins suggest.

Monday, October 20, 2008

A pensive moment...

Well, after a small "flurry" of initial posts, life got a little busy and I'm hoping that any curious readers that may be out there haven't given up. "Busy" - that's life and that's OK -except that some pleasureable tasks such as making regular submissions to a personal blog sometimes get nudged back to the "back burner". An odd phrase that, in the very little food preparation I seem to do, I usually choose to use the back burners on the stove first. Just seems like the right order in which to use the available elements. Hmm...

Speaking of "elements", Vancouver Island and our neighbouring Gulf Islands, continue to amaze after some five and a half years of living out here. Perhaps it's the proximity of ocean, mountains, forest, and fertile valley...and most certainly the ancient trees so close to home. They remind us of the relative briefness of our human life span. So much to experience, so much to reflect on and write about and so much for which to be thankful in a world where so many struggle for the most basic of elements necessary for life itself - food, clean water, and adequate shelter. Two years ago, we welcomed our son home from a difficult and dangerous assignment on the other side of the world - a place where there is no ocean or forest and where the mountains, rather than inspire, call those in the lonely and isolated forward operating bases to anticipate hidden threats. It's a complex world - I confess that sometimes I just launch my kayak in order to lose myself in the beauty of the pristine ocean environment just down the hill from where we live. I have found that in so doing, I find strength to believe in and work for a better world. It always justifies the launch.

The photo is in thankful memory of our "Jenny" who five years ago today left us with warm and rich memories...for which we three will always be thankful.

Back soon.
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