Sunday, February 28, 2010

Our Winter Games - "Radiant, jubilant, spontaneous, peaceful" *

The Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics
There was also warmth, acceptance, energy,
and enthusiasm from athletes and visitors alike...
plus a good measure of inspiraton for all who would aspire to make every moment count!

Just makes you want to run, paddle,
and do everything else you love to do,
with just a little extra passion...
and I think that's a good thing!


* John Furlong, CEO, The Vancouver Organizing Committee, closing remarks.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

To my Solstice GT...a letter to a kayak.

The very act of writing, recording one's thoughts, or maintaining a journal can have great therapeutic value. This is true especially for times when your best-made plans just don't come to fruition...for any number of good reasons. I know that for the past little while, despite excellent February paddling weather here on Vancouver Island, my kayak has wondered what has become of me. And so I wrote my Solstice a letter - I think we'll both feel better and I'm sure she won't mind me sharing.

My dear Solstice GT,

First of all, let me say that I understand. I do know how you must feel. It's been too long since we have been on the water together, and please believe me, I am missing that as much as you. I know that the last time we were out, there was that annoying "incident". I don't know how it happened. but somehow, half of the little black "yoke", where you rest your rudder, snapped off. It wasn't a big thing, but we both know that the rudder was no longer safely secured and held in place. When the crosswind came up, it blew it slightly askew and we were no longer the fine aerodynamic team that we usually are. I decided that I would get this matter looked at before we launched again.

During the past couple of weeks, I've had some time to think. I remember when you first came to us. My, that was fifteen years ago now! Where has the time gone?  We had enjoyed so many different kayaks but you were just so special, right from the very beginning. Your bright "mint" gel coat has always made the droplets of sea water sparkle and dance on your proud deck. You've always tracked so straight and enjoyed plunging your bow into the swell. And when J's GTS arrived, what a day that was! It was clearly love at first sight. And now, the two of you are inseparable! You live to be on the water and as cosy (and tidy) as the garage is, I know that's not where sea kayaks are meant to be!

Oh I know what you're thinking. I hardly ever deploy the rudder and, yes, we could just "bungee" it in place. But you also know how particular I am...I like everything to be in working order - just in case. You're probably going to remind me that I drive a lot of people crazy with my need for tidiness and good order. And I know that I promised you that we would have this issue looked as soon as possible. Please forgive me, but it really has been busy this past while.

Yes, and I do know how you feel when I blog about trail running and Vibram FiveFingers. Some of my kayaking friends probably roll their eyes too. And what's wrong with enjoying two sports? Believe me, it's never a reflection on you personally. You probably don't know this, but when J and I are out on the trails, we talk about you both all the time and all the fun we're going to have together. We've got some great ideas for some more cool adventures - you're going to love them, I promise. Of course we love kayaking but we love to run too. And you have to admit, it doesn't take nearly as much time to get ready. Sometimes it just feels overwhelming gathering and packing up all the paddling gear. I know that you've suggested we just take the paddle, spray cover, and PFD - forget all that other stuff. Yes, of course, we could get away much faster if we just left all the other gear at home. But I need the radio and I love the GPS. Yes, yes, I know you've pointed out to me many times that you have a perfectly serviceable deck mounted marine compass and your suggestion that I'm too lazy to calculate our distances on the charts is not exactly fair. You're rather impatient with me right now.

I heard you and J's yellow GTS talking last night. I'm so glad you have each other. And I was very touched that the GTS offered to loan you her rudder yoke but then what would J do? Yes, you and I could just go out solo but we both know that it's a lot more fun for us all to be together. Besides if J and GTS were not there, who would I take pictures of for my blog?

I have not forgotten my promise to you on January 1st. We will get out on the water together every single month this year - even if we have to go out with your broken rudder yoke, we'll get on the water. And remember good friend, you are much more than a yoke. It is, after all, just a deck fitting. Your value is inestimable to me. Besides, half a yoke is better than no yoke at all! Just yoking! Oh, I'm sorry, you probably won't find that very funny.

 I must leave off now, dear Solstice. Tomorrow, I promise, I'll call about getting you an appointment. "Hang in" there (sorry, I couldn't resist that but you do look so comfortable in the garage). We'll be on the water soon enough.

Your paddling partner,


Funny Underwater Animals

Hopefully we will give you a laugh as you look through the photos.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Celestial Burial in Tibet

Death does not discriminate. It stalks everyone from emperors, buddhas to men in the street, with no exception.

Throughout history, people have tried to avoid death or at least delay it. Some try to find a fountain of youth. Some hope good works can prolong lifespan. Most view death as something to be dreaded. The Tibetan view of death is, on the contrary, optimistic . One of their burial customs is called sky burial, or celestial burial, which shows their respect for nature and an understanding of life.

Before the ceremony begins, the Lamas chant a prayer to help the soul of the deceased person ascend. This is in fact a requiem for the dead. The corpse is then chopped and cypress branches are burnt to attract hawks or vultures. It is considered auspicious if the birds eat up the minced flesh. This is a kind of sacrifice proposed by Tibetan Buddhism which believes in human elevation with the help of animals. It also shows the Buddhist's love for all creatures of the world.

To the Tibetans, the sky, or the universe, holds a supreme position. It is where the sacred world lies. To merge with the sky is a holy event, one which replaces the sufferings of this world with peace.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Canada...more than just magnificent paddling.

It is wonderful to feel the grandness of Canada in the raw,
not because she is Canada
but because she's something sublime
 that you were born into,
some great rugged power that you are a part of.
- Emily Carr

Canada is a vast and dramatic land. Its expansive geography and varied topography puts into perspective our lives. One cannot help but feel humility - and that's a good thing. Paddling on the waters or running the trails is always an exhilerating experience - there is such an immensity to our land, while at the same time, an intimacy. We are a gentle people who have welcomed great diversity to the country within our three great shores.

A week ago, during the opening ceremonies of the 2010 Winter Olympic Games, Canada and the world were introduced to slam poet, Shane Koyczan. I wanted to share the transcript of his poem that he so eloquently delivered - with the hope that I am not breaking any permission laws. I just really like what he said. For those good folks from afar, who graciously stop by this blog from time to time, this may give you another small glimpse of who we are.

"We are More"

Define Canada
You might say the home of the Rocket
Or The Great One Who inspired little No. 9s and little No. 99s
But we're more than just hockey and fishing lines
Off of the rocky coast of the Maritimes
And some say what defines us
Is something as simple as 'please' and 'thank you'
And as for 'you're welcome,' well, we say that, too
But we are more than genteel or civilized
We are an idea in the process of being realized
We are young, we are cultures strung together then woven into a tapestry
And the design is what makes us more than the sum totals of our history
We are an experiment going right for a change
With influences that range from A to Zed
And yes, we say 'Zed' instead of 'Zee'
We are the brightness of Chinatown and the laughter of Little Italy
We dream so big that there are those
Who would call our ambition an industry
Because we are vineyards of good year after good year
We reforest what we clear
Because we believe in generations beyond our own
Knowing now that so many of us
Have grown past what we used to be
We can stand here today
Filled with all the hope people have
When they say things like 'someday'
Because we are more
Than a laundry list of things to do and places to see
More than hills to ski
Or countryside ponds to skate
We are the abandoned hesitation of all those who can't wait
We are first-rate greasy spoon diners and healthy living cafes
A country that is all the ways you choose to live
A nation that can give you variety
Because we are choices
We are millions upon millions of voices
Shouting, keep exploring
We are more
We are the surprise the world has in store for you, it's true
Canada is the 'what' in 'what's new'
So don't let your luggage define your travels
Each life unravels differently
And experiences are what make up
The colours of our tapestry
We are the true North
Strong and free
And what's more
Is that we didn't just say it
We made it be
- Shane Koyczan

Thank you, Shane. And yes, the paddling on our oceans, lakes, and rivers is pretty impressive - even in the middle of "winter". :-)


Emily Carr, 1871-1945, is a renowned Canadian writer. She was born in Victoria, BC, 60 km to the south of us on Vancouver Island.
Image: Joan paddling her Current Designs Solstice GTS near Egmont, BC, where the Coastal Mountains begin deep beneath the pristine waters.
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