I find it difficult to sit still. That's probably why I find that self-propelled activities such as sea kayaking and running work - you're always on the move and the scenery changes with every footstep or paddle stroke. There's always something new to observe and ponder and appreciate.
The fact is, movement is stimulating and most of us would agree that life without stimulation would indeed be very drab. There is, however, a down side to not being able to sit still. I've often envied those in my vocation who can go into their office or their study and later emerge with written evidence of wonderfully creative thought. I can't do that, at least not very easily - even though my "chair" is an exercise ball! Engaging in some outdoor activity, however, always seems to work. That's when the creative juices flow best. My mind achieves greater clarity and thoughts and perspectives emerge as if a fresh breeze has opened and enlivened at least some cerebral nooks and crannies. Alas, heading off to the beach in a wet suit, with the kayak strapped on top of the vehicle and a big grin on my face probably doesn't convince everyone that "I'm going off to do some creative work". Besides, it's tough to take written notes when you're paddling, especially in cooler weather when you're wearing pogies! Thankfully, the folks to whom I'm responsible always seem pleased when I can report that our sea kayaks have been on the water.
Actually, it isn't hard to find evidence that we humans may do some our best thinking when we are physically active. The late George Sheehan, cardiologist, athlete, and author of the classic Running and Being goes so far to suggest that we should "trust no thought arrived at sitting down.". It was Thoreau that said, "The moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow". When I'm sedentary, I'm lucky if I can achieve any creative thought. Moving under our own "steam" though, our bodies are doing what they were created to do. With regular exercise, the heart is strengthened, the muscles are given meaningful "work" which improves their abilities, increased oxygen is served to every cell, calories are burned - and the body responds by simply feeling better. The mind responds by feeling better too. Clearly, exercise leads to improved mental health and that's a pretty good deal. In fact, it's a bit like having your cake and eating it too!
The ability (and willingness) to discover pensive moments leads to a special richness in life. I'm often conscious of the sea birds that perch on rocky shores. When paddling or hiking the shorelines, we make every effort not to disturb their "thoughts". Who knows? Perhaps they are nature's great "contemplatives". Perhaps they have, in the silence of their lonely vigils, plumbed the depths of life's mysteries. Who really knows.
May you too find, both in movement, and in the sounds of nature, stillness and peace...and a context for exhilerating and creative thought.
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