"When we tug at a single thing in nature,
we find it attached to the rest of the world."
- John Muir
As are many, I am often reminded of the fragility of life and how dramatically what we sometimes take for granted can change in an instant of time or over the sum of seemingly fleeting moments. Further, John Muir's words speak simply, yet dramatically, of how necessarily inter-dependent life is on earth. Multiply these things a billion billion times and we glimpse something of the vulnerability of the web of life, both seen and unseen, on this island planet as it moves quietly, and with infinite beauty and grace, through space.
I am reminded, just as often, of the mighty strength that finds its source in love, in meaning-filled relationships, in the willingness to be thankful, in respect for creation, and in believing in something greater than ourselves, even if that belief is only in the power of collective goodwill. Multiply that a billion billion times, and we glimpse the very essence of hope for the future.
May peace be with you.
Image above: A very special place where sea, sky, mountains, and islands meet, rather like home.
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