Friday, November 12, 2010

A secret to balance in a kayak (and life)..."feel" the waves.

"There's no secret to balance.
You just have to feel the waves"

- Frank Herbert

Paddling around here in the Salish Sea, or anywhere else for that matter, promises a lesson every time you launch.

On this day, just off Entrance Island, the waves challenged us to maintain focus...and balance. Staying balanced, when the world around you is "liquid rock and roll", is surprisingly easy once you and your kayak have had some time together. And you trust one another.

As I thought about it, it's really just a matter "feeling" the waves. Each crest and each trough, and every place in-between, inputs a sensation that multiple senses interpret. We just relax into the movement. As potential instability is perceived, corrections are made and the result is...balance and stability.

Life's a bit like that. There can be some rough "waters" out there. My kayak teaches me to stay relaxed. Feel the "waves", roll with them, and know that they are no match for the inner equilibrium that resides within us all. Waves eventually spend their energy and leave us in more tranquil waters...but with increased confidence and strength for the next time.

"Feel" the waves, and trust...


Pic above: Joan enjoys "feeling the waves" just off Entrance Island lighthouse. (While I pray that I don't drop my camera in the water - it's waterproof but it doesn't float!)


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