Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mistaken for a Sasquatch - made my day!

Ahh, it's nice to be back here at "OCEANPAX Paddle / Run / Be". We've added the "Be" to the blog title (or we will, when we remember how to do it) because that's a lot of what this is all about - taking time to be and connecting with the natural world.

Do you think? Have we finally found indisputable evidence?
So, where to begin? OK, well how often can you say that you have been mistaken for a Sasquatch? Think about it - after all, the illusive, shy, bipedal humanoids that are "rumoured" to live deep in these rain forests have been "reported" to be six to ten feet tall and weigh in excess of 500 pounds! So yeah, for me at five foot seven and a hundred and (oh, never mind) pounds, that kind of "mistaken identity" is hugely good for the ego! So here's the gist of the story:

At this time of the year, we get lots of rain. That, of course, means that the forest floor is often saturated with water which means lots of muddy spots that you simply can't avoid. Yippee! (Some of us never outgrow mud!) If you're running in conventional running shoes, well, that's one thing but if you're running in Vibram FiveFingers - you can leave some very interesting "tracks" for others to find.

Last week, we were running on one of the enchanting forest trails on Gabriola Island. It was wet - really wet! As the pic below indicates, the "trail" was even floating in some places! It was pretty cool!

This part of the trail was literally floating away!
As we neared the end of the 8.37 km route, we came upon a couple of women, also enjoying the deep forest and the pouring "wet coast" rain that was the source of much of our fun. As we passed, one called out with a big smile on her face, pointing at my footwear, "Oh so you're the Sasquatch we've been hearing about!" (Please note that she didn't say little Sasquatch.) Beaming with pride, I grinned broadly in acknowledgement of her suggestion that I might be taken for the purported "wild man" of the forest - Bigfoot himself! 

A pair of very happy feet!
You know, there might even be a lesson here. It may be that we're all leaving larger "tracks" with our lives (in a good way) than we could ever imagine. Sometimes it takes a total stranger to remind you that your life is making an "impression". So yeah, on those days that you're not so sure, believe in yourself. Chances are, if you find meaning, value, and satisfaction in "playfulness", you're probably making a difference.


PS For barefoot and barefoot "form" running folks, Vibram FiveFingers don't have much traction on muddy trails but, at least in our climate, feet are warm even when wet for runs of an hour or two.


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