Those who have been blessed with the privilege of experiencing, first hand, the marvels of one of the world’s most stunning treasures - the enchanting Yellowstone National Park - are continually amazed by its rare beauty. In the midst of such magnificence, you cannot help but feel sorry for those who never set their eyes on this breathtaking corner of the country.

Yellowstone National Park has seldom failed to mesmerize those who are fortunate to witness its scenic beauty. Early adventurers were awestruck by its fascinating features, the most awe-inspiring among them being the Park’s stunning geysers and hot springs, which inspired an early adventurer to dub the park as "the place where hell bubbles up".

Blessed with an abundance of geothermal wonders - Old Faithful being among the most famous of these - the park remains one of the world’s most active volcanic areas.

Continued reports of pools of bubbling mud and amazing geysers shooting skywards finally convinced the government in Washington to explore the area that we now recognize as the Yellowstone National Park. It wasn’t until 1871, however, that the first expedition led by Ferdinand Hayden set out to verify fur trappers’ tales. Among the explorers were artist Thomas Moran and photographer William H. Jackson. Together, Moran and Jackson brought back sufficient pictorial proof of the grandeur of the place to convince Congress to award it the status of a National Park.
Only a year later, President Ulysses S. Grant signed a law declaring that Yellowstone would forever be "dedicated and set apart as a public park or pleasuring ground for the benefit and enjoyment of the people."
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