Monday, December 21, 2009

On these days of Christmas...

Today, in an instant of time, at around 0947 hrs local time here on Vancouver Island, the sun made its shortest arc through the sky and nudged closer to the horizon than at any other time during the entire year. Now, our days will begin to lengthen and our nights will grow shorter, albeit almost imperceptibly for awhile, until the summer solstice next June.

This is a season of the year when ancient tradition suggests that all things are possible. It is important, as always, to be thankful for all that is good in the world, for indeed, there is much that is good. Paddling these unchanging waters on Canada's west coast and hiking or running the trails, amidst the remnants of old growth forests, makes a connection to the natural world. We find ourselves face to face with compelling evidence of the interdependence of all life. Taking time to breathe deeply, and deliberately - outside, under a canopy of daytime or night-time skies gives more than a moment to pause. It energizes, inspires (quite literally), refreshes, rejuvenates, and reconnects the self to the mavellous "web of life" on this fragile, island planet. This precious time always brings the reminder that, together, we are stakeholders in this adventure called "life". That is what connects us and unites us and gives us reason to care for one another.

Peace be with you this Christmas and holiday season and wishing you blue skies and sunshine...although there's not a darn thing wrong with overcast and precipitation since it either keeps everything green or makes for awesome skiing! Looking on the bright side, of course! :-)

Duncan and Joan.


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