Saturday, June 19, 2010

"OP Sunset"...complete, and in the moment.

Several days ago, Lee, over at A whole bunch of Ing's, wrote of the importance of mindfulness, taking in fully the moment in which we are presently living. He also had a very intriguing idea: On this Saturday night, June 19, we were all invited to "take a pic of the bow of your boat and the sunset". We were then to forward it to Lee for inclusion, on his Sunday posting.

Well, I have to say that as much as we wanted to participate in this exercise, neither Joan nor I thought we'd be able to get out on the water. Today had been an incredibly busy day and tomorrow, Sunday, things will accelerate. That's just life in "our part of the woods". Lee's challenge, however, was waay too tempting to resist so, at the risk of not being fully prepared for what I have to do tomorrow (gulp), we launched at 2000 hours from Maple Bay on Vancouver Island and headed across the channel to Saltspring Island where we would be best poised to take a pic of the sunset. "Operation Sunset" had officially begun - the two paddlers from OCEANPAX were ready. Two hours later, and several kilometres to the northwest, we watched (and took pictures) of a magnificent setting sun over Maple Mountain.

Heading back in the darkness (with stern deck-mounted C-Lights marking our presence), a brisk wind came up and made for a fun ride! We're home now. The kayaks are back on the indoor racks, the wave-soaked gear is drying, and the clock is approaching midnight. Yup, better keep this short, post these few words, send a pic along to Lee, and get a few hours sleep...and hope I don't appear too unprepared tomorrow. We did, however, pause for a few hours and spend some quality time on the water - each individual moment, celebrated and savoured.

Cheers all,

Duncan and Joan.


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