Thursday, January 5, 2012

Nature Provides

Bohemian Waxwings during winter storm
It doesn't matter where you go or why, nature provides. Whether you are looking for berries, mushrooms, seeds, or birds there is always something new to find, depending of course on the season and where you go.  In 2011 I had some very delightful bird encounters, starting in January with Bohemian waxwings, or winged nomads as I like to call them, in the neighborhood.

Cooper's Hawk adult male
April delivered the return of Cooper's hawks in the little forest down the street,  as well as Mallard ducks and Canada Geese.  But the highlights of 2011 for me, were observations at the pond near my work, the explorations of a ravine not far from my neighborhood, the Edmonton river valley, a pond near a new development in the south of the city, as well as a place along the free way where I love to watch hawks.

I was delighted by a Pileated Woodpecker in the ravine in May, and continued sighting of the species throughout the year.

Mama Mallard and adopted Gosling

Pileated Woodpecker femal
A second source of discovery and joy was brought about by four fledgling Raven's that played on the wind and the rooftops in and around my complex at about the same time.  May and June were eventful months for me. I encountered and watched as a lone, injured Canada Goose Gosling lost it's parents, was adopted by mother Mallard and then adopted, or reunited with a pair of adult Canada Geese.  I was delighted to watch it grow over the summer into a splendid adult at the little pond near my work.

American White Pelicans fly over
Swainson's Hawk

July brought the discovery that White Pelicans breed and live in Alberta during summer months and some wonderful close-up photos of Swainson's hawks.

Red-eyed Vireo
Yellow warbler
Peregrine Falcon
Juvenile Red-Tail

In August nature delivered a photo of a just fledged Juvenile Red Tailed hawk by the freeway, as well the sighting of a Peregrine Falcon and wonderful photos of Yellow warblers and Red-eyed Verios in the river valley.
Black and White Warbler
Gray Cat-bird
Greater Yellow-legs
Pine Grosbeak

Although I didn't get to travel  this year outside of the city, I was warmed by an introduction to several species of bird during fall migration, including the Black and White Warbler, Greater Yellow-legs, Pine Grosbeak and Gray Catbird.

Brown Creeper
Common Crossbill male
The end of the year was an absolute delight with the surprising introduction of the Brown Creeper and, on the last day of the year, the Common Crossbill.  Since 2011 was such a great year, I am eagerly look forward to 2012 and what nature may provide for both myself and you.



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