Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Fog on the Salish Sea, a trail run, and more of nature's frozen miracles...

With sunshine forecast, we'd hoped to launch the narrow boats but the early morning fog pretty much eliminated all visibility on the sea and on the water around the Gulf Islands and islets. Fog horns from passing ships and ferries punctuated the still air. You can bet their radar systems were busy. So, can't waste any precious time on a day off so we needed a "Plan B" until the fog lifted.

A trail run - that's the beauty of Gabriola Island, there are always lots of other options for outdoor pursuits. As it turned out, the conditions were perfect for rare hair ice in the forest - low temperature and high humidity.

The Garmin 305 recorded 10.26 km with an overall elevation gain of 287.2 m over the route through the woods.

It was a pretty relaxed run as there were so many "hair ice" photo ops along the way. Besides, we had to conserve sufficient energy for paddling. Priorities.

Earth. There's no planet like it...at least not one we've discovered yet. It's strange that the woods aren't ever crowded. It's even stranger that the shopping malls and casinos are.



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