Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sharing the sea...

Snazzy for sure, but as much fun?
We "patrol" the Gulf Islands in a vessel that makes no sound, creates no wake, and requires no fossil fuel. (Is a carbon-based human paddler considered the "fuel" or the "engine"?) Our craft is "crewed" by a single occupant, propelled by a simple, double-bladed paddle, and is capable of storing sufficient supplies for a multi-day "operational tasking".

Reflecting the sunlight, a distant British Columbia Ferry en route to Nanaimo.
That being said, we're out there for pleasure, exercise, adventure, and (hopefully) opportunities to improve our paddling skills.

Canadian ORCA Class Patrol Vessel (Training)
leaving Gabriola Passage - comforting to know 
that the crew on the forward deck were observing us.
Some other folks are out there, on the water, for far more serious reasons. It's reassuring to see the Coast Guard and Navy personnel on patrol.  It's not unusual to hear mariners on the radio, in vessels large and small, calling for assistance and sometimes rescue. Help is never far away.

All who share the sea, anywhere, benefit from the dedication, the special skills and professionalism of these good folks.

Sometimes we forget to say it...but we're all thankful that they are there.


Top image: Silva Bay Marina, Gabriola Island.
Middle: Between Lily Island and Vance Island (Flat Top Islands), looking towards Vancouver and the west coast of the North American continent.
Bottom: An ORCA, exiting Gabriola Passage, heading into the Salish Sea.


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